Freeschoolin' Speaks & Shares A Week In The Life
EXCITING NEWS! In June of last year, I was asked to do some sessions for the 2020 Canadian Online Homeschool Conference and though I was...

Unschoolers @ The Library & More!
We LOVE the Library! Our Un/Homeschool Club planned an Unschool-friendly meetup at the Barrie Public Library this past Tuesday and we had...

👍Unschooling Is Easy Even When Life Isn't
Life is unpredictable. Sometimes sickness, challenges, tragedies and pitfalls can disrupt our routines and schedules and to manage, for...

Freeschoolin' 2020 Resolutions
Happy New Year! We can make changes and goals any time of year, but it's fun to surf society's energy resolving new life paths around...

Hope's 1st Talent Show & More Unschooling Adventures!
Our Unschooled Week! A wonderful Un/Homeschool Club member organized a Holiday Talent Show for homeschool families and it was...

⛄Radical Unschooling In Canada
As Radical Unschoolers, We Are Free. Free to learn however we choose. Free to eat whatever we need. Free to create anything we want. ...

🍬Grinchschooling & Our Unschooled Week
Then the Parent thought of something they hadn't before. ... Maybe Learning, perhaps...means a little bit more! (Than School) When...

🚫 Weekly Homeschool MeetUps? No, Thanks.
👉Life is Crazy.👈 You don't need to be a homeschooler or an unschooler to know this is true. It's up, it's down, it's turned all around...

5 Things NOT To Say To Grieving Parents & Our Freeschoolin' Week
Losing a child is hard. And though some things can make it easier, there are a few things that truly make it harder. In no particular...

Remembering In November
Today is Remembrance Day. As a very sensitive Empath, it is impossible for me to live only one day a year remembering anything. I live in...

Freeschoolin' @ Pumpkinferno & More!
What adventures we had this week! When we're unschooling/Freeschoolin', we're #nevernotlearning. We live life to learn! Our passions...

Can't Stop Learning!
Every day! There's nothing we can do! We've never had a curriculum. Don't follow a guide. No tests, grades or required work. But the...

If We Want The Village, We Have To Open The Door
The Village It seems the perfect solution to our overwhelmed lives. We are so isolated. Tasks are harder, resources scarcer and...

Freeschoolin': Learning To Read Naturally
She's not a late reader. Yet, our 9 year old daughter Hope currently cannot read full sentences or many words. It's begun, the process of...

Field Trip to Earth Valley Organics
Learning From The Land Last year, we met the wonderful Kramarchuk family, fellow homeschoolers and stewards/keepers of a certified...