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If We Want The Village, We Have To Open The Door

If We Want The Village We Have To Open The Door Article Title Page

The Village

It seems the perfect solution to our overwhelmed lives. We are so isolated. Tasks are harder, resources scarcer and loneliness is abound. If only we had a community to put to use the phrase many hands make light work. To find delight in the company of others while nailing down our to do lists. To have help when we need a break. It's not idealistic, it could be a reality! But first, we have to be willing to let others in to help.

Sun and Clouds Illustration by Wendy Elizabeth Hart

We want the village but we are afraid of the judgement.

Often we have experienced giving from people who have had ulterior motives, unintended or not. This can make us more worried of dealing with that conflict than dealing with our workload alone. But not all folks are like that. If we get an offer of true generosity, we need to learn how to take it. Avoiding genuine offers of help may seem like the easiest coping skill, but we are never going to get to the village if we don't walk down that path. We need to seek out those authentic folks in our lives and allow them to help when they offer. Even if it seems you'll never be able to pay them back for their kindness. Have faith that there will be opportunity at some point. We are so grateful for the authentic people that have become part of our village. We learn together, grow together and support each other.

And it's all because we made the choice to open the door.

Life Is Learning Illustration by Wendy Elizabeth Hart


We are an energy sensitive family.

This past full moon has been transformative for us but it's taken a lot of inner work that made keeping up with blogging, vlogging and even posting on social media, tiresome. So we stepped back to align and now are feeling excited to share with ya'll what we've been up to. We've been accessing our village! From Park fun with awesome homeschool friends to chillin' at our place with dear unschoolers and even a LARP in the Park with our Un/Homeschool Club.

This past week we attended an annual pumpkin patch event planned by a Un/Homeschool Club member which was super fun and healing. We were feeling some really negative energy, all of us and it was bringing conflict to our family at the event. Hope even had a few meltdowns, which is totally uncharacteristic of her.

We came together in a group embrace, intentionally cleared our energy, apologized for any heated reactions/actions that had transpired and had an amazing rest of the day. Our family may recall the stress of that day but it will forever be paired with what we learned about rising up above difficulties using the support of those we love and trust.

Tis the Season to be Spooky! Our family runs L.A.S.T. Productions, a Live Action Roleplay company that creates and runs adventure games in Ontario, Canada. This time of year is perfect for our escape the killer game series, so we hosted a game of L.A.S.T. Friday for our friends and had an absolute blast!

L.A.S.T. Productions Logo

Jaze plays Jazon Voorhees and we have one 1 hr to find the elements scattered across the outdoor event site (our property) to escape or hide from his wrath! Hope absolutely loves it and actually is the reason we planned this game; she had been asking for a month saying she missed playing. If you're local and interested, join our L.A.S.T. Barrie Area LARP Group to know about future events!

Harvest time is over and now we're putting the gardens to bed for the winter. This means there's more time to just enjoy the land with picnics, hikes and camping out in our tent, which we love.

We don't have much but life is so rich, it doesn't feel that way at all. Freeschoolin' feels like the best university in the world that we want to attend for life!

Are you #nevernotlearning? Check out the T-shirt Hope helped design! All organic cotton and made and shipped sustainably/eco-friendly! Earth Friendly Fashion for those on a life long education path!!! Check out our Freeschoolin' Wear store for this and more!

Freeschoolin' Wear & More!



Much Love Always, Wendy Check Out our bookstore!

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