🎓No Curriculum? But How Will They Learn...
Humans Are Innately Curious This isn't a theory. Human curiosity drives our species to the places it has adventured thus far and where we...

🎈Freeschoolin' Birthday Fail?
🎈Happy Birthday Hope!🎈 Hope is officially ten years old now which means we've been unschooling/Freeschoolin' for 7 whole years! What...

🎂Cupcakes For Skylar
This Sunday marked 1 Year. 1 year ago, Hope's 26 year old brother, my beloved firstborn, passed on from this world. Skylar lived a...

💐Mother May I
Why we don't want politeness. As professional caregivers and parents, Jaze and I don't teach kids please and thank you. Genuine...

🌠The Reward of Roleplay🌠
Hope lives in a world of make-believe. Of all the things she does every day, roleplaying is #1 on her list of favourite things. In the...

💎Freeschoolin' Our Future💎
Life Is Uncertain 10 years ago when we decided to start living free in as many ways as possible, we had the urge to plan for...

🍉Coping With Quarantine
This is a difficult time. Either indirectly or directly, we are all affected by what is going on in the world today. So much...

Freeschoolin' April 2020
Slowing Down This time last year I was focused on event planning. Hope's birthday, field trips, a big waterpark meetup, LARP events and...

Freeschoolin' Peace In A Pandemic
Nothing is easy about this time. Corona Chaos has overtaken our lives in all parts of the world. On one hand, this is the most turmoil...

🌠Our Freeschoolin' Universe
When you don't have to spend your days in a classroom, life becomes your school! As an unschooling/Freeschoolin' family, we follow our...

Snowed In Our area near Barrie, Ontario, Canada got 50 cm of snow in 2 days this past week! The roads were so bad the police was asking...

Hope has been Reverse Cycling! What is Reverse Cycling? The common time people sleep is during night time hours. Reverse Cycling is...

NO Your Limits
The last 2 weeks were hard. It can be difficult to go through things and share with others. Sometimes the stress and sadness is all we...

Freeschoolin': A Smart Move
🌞Why is Freeschoolin' A Smart Move?🌛 No other school in the world could provide the quality, depth and freedom that our entire family...

Unschooling With Art
Hope, 9, is an aspiring artist. She draws, crafts and creates every single day. What is she learning? Colours, Blending, Proportion,...