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💎Freeschoolin' Our Future💎

Freeschoolin' Our Future Blog Article Title Page

Life Is Uncertain

10 years ago when we decided to start living free in as many ways as possible, we had the urge to plan for sustainability so we wouldn't have to rely on outside sources for basic needs. We learned how to live without toilet paper, we sourced local, organic ingredients so we aren't completely dependant on big box stores and we discovered how to grow our own food cheaply or for free. And we learned to love learning. Now, with the way the world is, we are grateful for the knowledge we have worked hard to acquire and use our skills every day to thrive, not just survive today's challenges. Learning Never Stops. We are using this time to start and practice even more useful skills that will help us continue free living into the future. I am focused on community building, homestead plans and organization while Jaze is working on time management skills, expanding awareness and building our gaming production company, L.A.S.T.. Instead of a life where school and work dictate our living schedule, we designed a life where education and work are built around our chosen life path. It's even beyond radical unschooling definitions, which usually are geared towards young adults and children. Freeschoolin' is a way of life where all possible aspects of it are chosen, never forced. It's not always easy but goals that are worth it rarely are. Some hurdles we have had to face are living tiny (500sq ft), insufficient finances despite much hard work and dedication, and social barriers due to living so outside the box. Each sacrifice we've made has been intentional and without regret. Are you living free or wish to be? How can you use this time to start working on that life or improving the one you already have established?

This Week

Spring had some fickle weather for us but we managed to get out lots despite there being snow and sun in a matter of minutes, let alone in one day! We cleaned up the paddock for our horse, River (24) and did more work on our garden beds for planting this year. Our seedlings are growing but it's still much too cold outside for them yet. EVO (Earth Valley Organics) has been especially fun as the snow has melted and the horses are enjoying running around. We follow social distancing rules to ensure we can keep helping out at this beautiful farm. They grow the most amazing spelt flour so if you're local, please contact them and arrange for some. You won't regret it! Hope packed a family picnic so we trekked into a wooded area and made a cedar bed to cover the snow and enjoy our meal on. It's too cold for bugs just yet making our time in the forest peaceful and unfettered. Jaze and I played D&D/Kids On Bikes online with our friends which is becoming a super fun pasttime while we can't connect in person. Hope has been drawing up a storm, colouring, watching youtube videos on furries, playing minecraft and animal jam, baking cupcakes with Jaze, doing waterplay, roleplaying and so much more. It was Hope's late brother's birthday on April 16th so the cupcakes she baked were in memory of a day we are all very glad for. We had pizza, talked about how much alike Hope and Skylar are and shed tears, as can be expected. If you are unfamiliar with our story, read on here.



Much Love Always, Wendy Support Us: Books, Tshirts & More

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