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🌠The Reward of Roleplay🌠

The Reward of Roleplay Article Title Page

Hope lives in a world of make-believe.

Of all the things she does every day, roleplaying is #1 on her list of favourite things. In the car, in the water, brushing her teeth, getting tucked in at night; pretending is always happening. Hope is passionate about roleplay like nothing else and we encourage it as much as possible. Sometimes we're a family of animals in the forest, sometimes we're Five Nights at Freddie's characters going for a drive to town. Hope's drawings come to life as she acts them out once she is completed her art and has shown us what she looks like during the game.

When we're not on lockdown, our whole family LARP's ( Live Action Roleplay ) with friends in the park or on our property. L.A.S.T. Productions

Currently we play D&D, a roleplay game, with friends online a few times a week and Hope is welcome to join. It's a bit of waiting to take turns so Hope gets bored too easily yet, but she's played a few times. She much prefers freestyle pretend play. So what what are we learning from these made up worlds and adventures? Roleplay has been used for a long time by mental health professionals to dive into peoples emotions and reactions to situations as well as instilling healthy coping skills. But we don't have to have mental health issues to take full opportunity of what roleplaying offers. Pretending gives people a chance to step outside of their own way of thinking and put on a whole new role, just for fun. Afraid of conflict? You can play a character that is brave and ready for action! Not so great at speaking in front of people? Play a silent character who must communicate through action and/or writing. You can roleplay to face your fears or manoeuvre around them as you wish. Each time we step outside our own personalities to play a different role, we learn something about ourselves and others. It might be something we never want to repeat or something we want to do over and over again because of it's success. Roleplay provides safe social experimentation without consequence. Subjects Learned Through Roleplay Creative Thinking Emotional Regulation

Planning Psychology Socialization Conflict Resolution Plot Coordination Kindness Resilience Communication Skills Imagination Problem Solving Responsibility Decision Making Morality Natural Consequences Bonding Relationships Team Work Independence So Much More...

Unschooling/Freeschoolin' means the student decides the subjects they study and with all Hope is learning through roleplay, we are confident about her future because of her choice to focus in this way. We are not afraid, wondering if she will learn what she needs. We are excited about what lays ahead for Hope and eager to watch her wings unfurl to take her where she dreams of going. Her path, that only she knows.

This Week

We missed blogging last week, because life, so in the last 2 weeks we've been prepping our garden for growing, playing in the new sand pit I discovered and caring for our now 24 year old thoroughbred, River. To pass the time away in the car while we wait for Jaze to buy our groceries, Hope blows bubbles, draws and we write and read words together. It's been so beautiful out and no bugs so we've been exploring the land and hiking un the forest near our home. Hope packed a picnic for herself on our last trek and we tracked a cougar along the way. We practice safety in the woods as we know there are predators around wanting to share the land with us. It doesn't stop us from playing in the pools of water, smelling the flowers and climbing rocks. We work at Earth Valley Organics a few times a week, practicing social distancing of course. For helping out, Hope earns money aside from her essential income which comprises of all the change under a dollar that comes into the house. She's now saved up over 100 dollars with plans for a pet bunny in the future. Hope's second love, next to roleplay, is drawing/art and her talent grows every day.


🐌PLANTING, UNSCHOOLING With Snails and More - Ep 17 Freeschoolin'

We hope you've been keeping well during this time and learning lots! If you're new to homeschooling/unschooling, don't use these days as a measure of what home education looks like.

Usually we are out with friends, going places and exploring the world around us, unrestricted. Be kind to yourselves and may joy find you easily and readily.

Joy Illustration - Wendy Elizabeth Hart

Much Love Always, Wendy Books, Clothing & More

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