NOT Back To School!!!
The beaches are empty, the parks are clear and printer paper is on sale, because for many families, it's back to school time. For our...

Freeschoolin' Manages "Swearing"
How do we keep Hope's exploration of words from becoming a social nightmare? To start, we didn't swear around Hope until she was mature...

Freeschoolin' Summer Subjects
As a Freeschoolin' Family, we are learning the whole year through! This week we experienced a lot of things we can only do in the warmer...

Freeschoolin' Volunteers! & Much More!
Ever wonder what a week in the life of a Freeschoolin' Family looks like? We learn from life each day without curriculum or schedule. We...

Frugal Freeschoolin' Fun
We are a frugal Family because of necessity but we don't let it limit our fun! For anyone who has been following our vehicle journey, we...

Freeschoolin' Explains Reverse Cycling
In our home we don't have bedtimes. We sleep when we are tired and wake when we we are rested. This often leads to Reverse Cycling for...

Freeschoolin' @ Big Curve Acres
A view of the barn from our wagon ride. We LOVE our Un/Homeschool Club! There are so many opportunities for meet-ups, resources,...

Let's Be Honest - Socialization in School
Hope At Our Hay Farmer's Place There is a widely accepted assumption in society that the only place to be properly socialized is in...

May Unschooling & Hope's Birthday
Hope turned 7 last week! We had a REALLY low key celebration but it was just as much fun as previous years! Hope was so excited (and...

Unschooling While Working From Home
We love living and learning everyday as a Family! To support our close-knit lifestyle we work from home on our various entrepreneurial...

Freeschoolin': Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is an amazingly powerful force. For our family, we do not curtail to peer pressure, though we are not oblivious to our...

Freeschoolin': A Week In The Life
What does a week of Freeschoolin' look like? Hope (6) was (and still is) reverse cycling which means that she sleeps during the day and...

What Is Freeschoolin'?
Freeschoolin' is a combination of Respect-Based Relationships and Unschooling. Often referred to as radical unschooling or whole life...

The Mess Of Success: Learning From Life
What is "The Mess Of Success"? I heard this quote while watching a reality show about living in Alaska called, "Life Below Zero". It...

The Freeschoolin' Children's Book: Now Available In Print!!
We're published!!! ​​SLXL ​​SLXL Our book is finally available in PRINT! Buy A Copy We published our very first book in the Freeschoolin'...