Frugal Freeschoolin' Fun

We are a frugal Family because of necessity but we don't let it limit our fun!
For anyone who has been following our vehicle journey, we bought a used vehicle that has good bones but needs some expensive repairs we now need to save up for. We've never been strangers to frugality as a family, so having to save even MORE over the summer wasn't really ideal. Still, we brainstormed as a family and got some ideas together on ways we could, cheaply, have grand adventures this summer.

One thing we haven't included in our bucket list that we will be doing lots of this summer is volunteering at Big Curve Acres!

Great experiences don't have to be expensive. Creative Thinking and Determination are always free!
Episode 20 of The Freeschoolin' Homestead!
UNSCHOOLING w/ Scales Nature Park, Barrie CITY HALL, CROPS and MORE