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What Is Freeschoolin'?

Freeschoolin' is a combination of Respect-Based Relationships and Unschooling. Often referred to as radical unschooling or whole life learning, Freeschoolin' works for the whole family! We do not follow a curriculum, we don't follow rules.

Our path of learning is carved by our curiosity and the love of it is never lost.

Our home is governed by respect and safety based principles. We offer our family all the resources one would find at school and so much more. Opportunities for learning are set out everywhere in our lives; we choose which ones we participate in.

When conflict arises we have our relationships to guide us to peaceful resolution. All of us, Hope (6) included, have say in how our family operates. We do not relegate her to less than peer status because of her age. She takes on what she feels she is capable of and Freeschoolin' Daddy and I do the rest until she is older.

We, as Parents, are the facilitators but we are also the students. Freeschoolin' is a whole family affair. We all delve into our passions. It's a creativity bonanza! And we've learned so much. Without school we have:

Learned how to assist feline birth Learned how to compose music Learned how to play instruments Learned how to write and illustrate a children's book

Learned how to self publish a book Learned how to become a professional wrestler Learned the beginnings of reading Learned to write Learned Math Learned Marketing Learned Social Skills Learned how to cook and bake Learned Nutrition Learned Business Planning Learned Horse Training Learned Specialty Gardening ...and so much more!! We know that not every style of living works for everyone. We're just sharing how things work for us in case anyone is interested and would like to know more. This is Freeschoolin!


Latest Episode of The Freeschoolin' Homestead

Library Fun, Outside Play and more!!!

Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy Buy the"Freeschoolin': Life Is My School" children's book - Paperback, E-book

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