Freeschoolin' Manages "Swearing"

How do we keep Hope's exploration of words from becoming a social nightmare?
To start, we didn't swear around Hope until she was mature enough to discuss word use and understand that some words can make people uncomfortable. So around 4, we started becoming a lot more relaxed with our word choices. We don't swear during conflict or name call of any kind in our home so Hope using "swear" words to lash out wasn't a concern. Hope learned through talks with Freeschoolin' Daddy and I and by observing us use words appropriately; cursing included. This means that out in public, we respect that not everyone is as comfortable with our word freedom and we refrain from "swearing" at these times or around certain visitors to our mini barn. Hope follows our model because she agrees it makes sense, not because it is a rule. At home Hope is free to use any word she knows.
Which brings us to this weekend!
Our family volunteered at The Big Feastival Canada, an international festival where people from all around the world gather to eat good organic food, enjoy rides and specialty vendors, enjoy amazing live concerts and so much more!
Hope got to meet Chase and Marshal from Paw Patrol, rock climb with Freeschoolin' Daddy, ride on a Ferris Wheel and a Carousel (with Freeschoolin' Mommy) for the first time, play with kids from all around the world (some of whom were still learning English), try new organic food and drink and of course help out with the Big Curve Ares Farm Park we volunteered at.
Hope got to see some really cool live performances like a magic show and a kids concert where some characters and Fred Penner played.
Freeschoolin' Daddy went to a meet and greet where Fred told him that he'd seen us dancing to his concert as a family and it made his heart smile.
Last, but not least, we got to see De La Soul; a Hip Hop group I grew up listening to. They, of course, swore profusely despite the festival being VERY family orientated.
Hope didn't bat an eye at their use of language. She just danced with us joyfully as we enjoyed the beats and watched the awesome show. It was absolutely incredible.
We set the example, we provide nurturing guidance and we relate to Hope as peers because one day, we fully will be.
#RelationshipOVERrules really does work! We watch it happen daily.
Much Love! Wendy, Freeschoolin' Mommy