Freeschoolin': A Week In The Life

What does a week of Freeschoolin' look like?
Hope (6) was (and still is) reverse cycling which means that she sleeps during the day and wakes in the evening. Our week included a meet-up with our Un/Homeschool Club at the local library and got to visit with old friends as well as get quite a few new books! Hope, having stayed up all night, chose to manage herself so she could go and we didn't have a problem.
While we were in town we hit up the park for some playground fun; a Hope favorite!

We adventured into the forest for a wonderful hike, noticing the nature all around us.

Hope picked out some stuffed animals to take home from a store we visited.

I had a really fun phonics lesson with Hope in the tub and Daddy and Hope played some serious Minecraft. They also played at the pond and caught toads, something she LOVES to do.

We had help from Hope with some chores, all her choice, roleplayed together, played some Spore and watched movies and shows together. (Frog Prince, 101 Dalmatians, My Little Pony, Dr. Who)
So this week Hope learned about retail, reading, writing, math, socializing, physics, physical education, respect for nature, decision making, risk assessment, self regulation, emotional intelligence, animal studies, season changes, hand eye coordination, building skills, fear management and so, so much more!!

Thank you Freeschoolin'!

Last Week's episode of the Freeschoolin' Homestead!