School is a Tsunami
School is like going to the beach for a dip and getting a Tsunami in your face. As an adult, if I want to learn something, I research...

What is Radical Unschooling?
Radical Unschooling (RU) is Unschooling, Self-Directed Education with no curriculum, applied to all of life. RU Students self-regulate...

Too Cool For School!
Cute and funny title aside, school just isn't for us. Our whole family learns seamlessly without a schedule, curriculum or tests. ...

Freeschoolin': Never Not Learning
Learning Never Stops School gives those who are indoctrinated the idea that learning happens in classes with educational activities and...

Freeschoolin': Emotional Intelligence
What is Emotional Intelligence? Definition: "the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle...

Freeschoolin': Burned Out!
Homeschool Burnout. Sound Familiar? Over the last week or so, traditional Homeschool circles are beginning to talk of the dreaded...

Unschooling/Freeschoolin' A "Bad Day"
Last Wednesday we had a "bad day". We had 2 car appointments, shopping to do, a snow storm to drive through BEFORE we even got to town,...

Unschooling Is Easy
There was a meme going around about how it's ok to admit that homeschooling is hard. So many people feel this is true and are seeking...

Freeschoolin' @ Earth Valley Organics
What can you learn on an organic farm? Let us show you! We met Alana Kramarchuk at our Not Back to School Beach Meetup this past...

Pam Larrichia Chats with Freeschoolin Mommy!
I had the wonderful pleasure of being interviewed by Pam Laricchia, long time Unschooling Mom, author and inspiration to many. You can...

Happy NOT Back to School! (FREE colouring page!)
It's that time of year again! Some families are focused on getting ready for back to school, but class is always in session for our...

Freeschoolin' A Waterpark!
What can you learn at a waterpark? Let us show you! Last week we went to Cedar Park Resort! It's an RV and waterpark about an hour and a...

Freeschoolin', Where Are You?
We've missed you! Some tech issues have plagued us, but we're hopeful this is the end and we can get back to regular blogging and...

Unschooling: Passion Led Learning
Hope LOVES animals. Since she could communicate, Hope has expressed her love of animals. She started saying she wanted to be dog...

What Can We Learn From The Drive-In?
We really are #NeverNotLearning! Something as simple and fun as the Drive-In can hold educational value that we might not notice unless...