Freeschoolin', Where Are You?
We've missed you!
Some tech issues have plagued us, but we're hopeful this is the end and we can get back to regular blogging and vlogging fun! This past few weeks we've been volunteering at Big Curve Acres, hosted a LARP in the Park with our Un/Homeschool Club, had some campfires, park adventures, slipnslipde fun and Hope (8) even made her own "Freddie" doll from Five Nights at Freddie's, all through her repeated reverse cycling, successfully.
Sharing our lives with the world has led us to amazing community, incredible inspiration and unbelievable support.
Thank you to everyone who follows our journey and encourages us to keep on sharing how we learn from life every day.
Connect with us through our Freeschoolin' Community and share your Unschooling adventures with other like minded families in a safe and inclusive environment!
Stay tuned for next week's blog on Seasonschooling: Summer.
Much Love Always,
Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy