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Freeschoolin': Emotional Intelligence

Freeschoolin' Emotional Intelligence Article Title

What is Emotional Intelligence?


"the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically."

In my 42 years I've never met anyone who had mastered emotional intelligence, myself included. Some are adept at many aspects but it's something we're all, as adults, still working on. So, would it not stand to reason that childhood education is lacking in this skill as a focal point?

Freeschoolin' & Emotional Intelligence The freedom students of all ages have with Freeschoolin'/Unschooling means they can focus on the subjects they feel passionate about. They not only love what they are learning about but the act of learning itself.

Unschooled students are never forced; they are the captains of their ship and they decide where they journey. Hope spends much of her time pretending and roleplaying in various forms. She also enjoys watching roleplaying by various Youtubers and loves epic stories where the characters face great trials they must overcome. Though some might worry about her lack of interest in learning to read just yet, Jaze (Hubby) and I can see what she's focusing on and we are absolutely thrilled! Through her pretend play (and other methods), Hope is learning how to navigate big feelings and understand emotions. It provides her an opportunity to practice healthy relationships and to explore negative ones. When she is being social with groups, she is able to handle conflict and stress without breakdowns and is unashamed of her healthy coping skills. She displays compassion, yet never at the cost of herself. Because Hope is free to focus on what she is drawn to, without coercion, she has begun mastery of Emotional Intelligence at a very young age. I know Jaze and I would have very much benefited from a focus on Emotional Intelligence and it would have saved us years of healing from a lack of this skill/knowledge. Unschooling/Freeschoolin' never ends. It's a life long education. We are taking the time to learn what traditional school/our childhood did not provide. We all learn together as a family at The Freeschoolin' Academy! Best. School. Evar.

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