What Can We Learn From The Drive-In?

We really are #NeverNotLearning!
Something as simple and fun as the Drive-In can hold educational value that we might not notice unless we deliberately focus on it.
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This week we went to see the Incredibles with our awesome Homeschool friends!
We only eat organic so we made popcorn before we left to bring with us. Nutrition, Planning, Cooking.
Our friends picked us up with their van so we could all go together. Packing, Time Management, Decision Making.
The Drive-In sports a retro playground so the kids played for hours while the Parents chatted. Risk Assessment, Problem Solving, Physical Education, Socialization, Role Play, Emotional Intelligence Skills.
Some online friends were there so we got to meet them for the first time in person. Social Skills.
The kids cozied up in the back of the van to watch the movie and eat snacks. Community, Food Freedom.
Hope decided to go barefoot for bathroom breaks. Caution, Free Choice, Body Autonomy.
Hope had fallen asleep by the end of the first movie, all the kids were asleep by the middle of the second. Self Regulation, Energy Management.
We learned more, of course, but these are great examples of how we can't live without learning, even at the Drive In!
More of our Week:
Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy Check Out our Bookstore!