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Unschooling: Passion Led Learning

Hope LOVES animals.

Since she could communicate, Hope has expressed her love of animals. She started saying she wanted to be dog groomer at 3, and has since added on that she wants to be able to help animals, give free vet services and travel the world to study animals.

A few years ago, we started visiting a local farm, Big Curve Acres. Hope fell in love with the hands on access to the most adorable and friendly baby animals she'd ever encountered. We snapped up a volunteer opportunity for our family eagerly and have since learned so much about so many different animals from the experienced and wonderful owners, Reta and her family. Big Curve Acres July 2018 Open to the Public July & August Wed - Sat, 12-4pm Weather Permitting

Hope is in her element when she is surrounded by animals she can touch, experience and share with others so we facilitate this as often as possible.

When she isn't volunteering at the farm, she is feeding, caring for and playing with our animals. She takes pictures of animals, draws and colours animals, plays animal video games, roleplays with animal toys, prefers animal dolls, looks through animal books and talks about what she would have on her dream farm. By following Hope's passion for animals, she is learning everything she needs to at her perfect pace.

The power and freedom of Unschooling/Life Learning.

Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy BUY the Book

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