What is Radical Unschooling?
Radical Unschooling (RU) is Unschooling, Self-Directed Education with no curriculum, applied to all of life. RU Students self-regulate...

The Freedom of Freeschoolin'
Are We Free? There's so much we assume we have to do in life, but step outside society's traditional boxes and eyes are opened. ...

Freeschoolin' Discusses: Education Styles
There are many ways to home educate! Radical Unschooling/Freeschoolin' Also referred to as whole life learning, Radical...

Freeschoolin': Life Is Learning
What does that even mean, "Life is Learning"? Life is learning means that just by living everyday life, everyone is constantly learning....

Freeschoolin': LARP Lessons
What Aren't We Learning While LARPing? This past week we had Hope's "Fairy Godparents" staying with us and among many awesome adventures,...

Freeschoolin' with No Power
We truly are #NeverNotLearning! This past week was so full of learning experiences; like every week when we're Freeschoolin'! Our...

Up All Night with Freeschoolin' !
Last night Hope didn't sleep. It was the Full Moon, so she was up all night while it shone brilliantly in the night sky. After being up...

What Can You Learn From Shopping?
Unschoolers are always learning! So what are we learning when we go shopping? Lots! First we start planning. Our time of departure,...

Why We Chose A Freeschoolin' Life
Life Is A Journey When Freeschoolin' Daddy and I started this life together over 9 years ago, we had NO idea where it would take us. It...

Freeschoolin': Respectful Relationships
Our children become what we are. What we do. What we say. How we act. It's a BIG responsibility to set the example for future...

Nocturnal Nights: Reverse Cycling
We've Been Reverse Cycling! For weeks now, Hope has been staying up all night and sleeping during the day. We've written a few times...

The #1 Rule of Freeschoolin' Is There Are No Rules To Freeschoolin'!
In our home, we have no rules. Our family lives by respect and safety based boundaries. No punishments necessary. Why? Critical...

Seasonschooling: Winter
What is Seasonschooling? Using the 4 seasons to help determine what areas of life we focus on as Unschoolers. Winter We are covered in...

Finding Your Un/Homeschool Community
How did we find support for our outside-the-box lifestyle? It wasn't easy, that's for sure. Well, the process was essentially simple,...

The Peace of Unschooling/Freeschoolin'
It's Real. Unschooling/Freeschoolin' has brought peace to our home where there would have been fear, conflict and feelings of failure...