Freeschoolin': Respectful Relationships

Our children become what we are.
What we do. What we say. How we act. It's a BIG responsibility to set the example for future generations. Especially if our model growing up was dysfunctional.

So how do we do something we did not learn?
This is where Unschooling/Freeschoolin' pushes it's way past academics and into the rest of life. Learning our triggers, why we have them and how to cope and heal past trauma are all things we can do to change our programming. We can place boundaries, reach out for support and be kind to ourselves. We are worth so much even if people in the past could not see and we deserve to feel it. For partnerships, our children will learn what they grow up with. If we want our kids to have happy spousal relationships, we need to work at learning and providing this example. In our home, we have agreements to treat each other with respect even in times of conflict or stress. I'll share them in case they might help others.

In Our Home
We do not yell or at each other. Volume isn't a problem as long as it's not directed at someone specifically. We're no strangers to big emotions and the need to unload and process them. It's ok to get loud. We never resort to insults. This home is a safe space and you don't have to lash out to be heard or respected. We listen and communicate. Issues are talked out with love in mind. Everyone here is safe, and therefore eager to work problems out together.
We give and take space. Sometimes we need to feel our own energy to recharge and gain clarity. Our family is secure in our connection and easily respects anyone's need for physical space or time to themselves.
We support and uplift. This is a team and we're all in it together. No matter what we face we will come together and get through it. Our bond is unconditional and forever. We can always depend on each other. It took 9 years to journey to this way of being. And we're still learning. Oh boy are we... Both Freeschoolin' Daddy and I come from difficult upbringings and have littered our path with mistakes, but the one thing that brought us here was our determination and commitment to be each other's safe space. What would the world be like if Respectful Relationships were the trend? Let's find out!

Latest Episode of The Freeschoolin' Homestead A Week of Freeschoolin'
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Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy SHOP Amazon for The Freeschoolin' Journal!