The Peace of Unschooling/Freeschoolin'

It's Real.
Unschooling/Freeschoolin' has brought peace to our home where there would have been fear, conflict and feelings of failure often.

Conflicts We Are Blessed To Avoid. We don't have to get up early for school so there aren't any bedtime or morning arguments.
No curriculum means no conflict about school work.
We don't have "chores" and we don't do punishments, so we don't have battles over them.
We respect each other and due to this 'name calling' doesn't happen, ever, unless it's in jest; never during serious discussion. No Screen Limits solves any potential disagreements about computer or TV usage.
Boundaries are respected so disputes surrounding them are rendered obsolete.
Body Autonomy prevents family clashing over clothing, hair and personal style.
Food Freedom creates a battle-free zone surrounding meals and food intake.
Altercations are met with compassion and love. We come together as a family to support one another when in crisis.
Everyone in our home is free. Free to choose, free to be, free to express.
Hope has learned, through example and experience, that her feelings are important and so is considering others.
She has gleaned that balance between what she wants and what her community wants is vital and a journey, not a destination.

We love the peace in our home and strive daily to maintain and increase it's presence. If you're looking for help with the peace in your home, please feel free to Contact Us.
Hope's 1st Unboxing Video - Li'l Woodzeez Fox Family
Update on the Freeschoolin' Homestead
Much Love, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy Buy The Children's Book Paperback Ebook