🕹 Education is Among Us
Learn how a videogame is educational, how our unschooled week went and more!

🌕 What Can You Learn At Night?
Up all night, sleep all day. Are they still learning? We the subjects you can learn at night and more in this week's Unschooling Article.

🔖 Keeping Unschool Records
Sharing why and how we keep easy and fun unschool records, our unschooled week and more!

❓Unschooling Q&A + Adventures
Excited to share an Unschooling Q&A and our weekly Freeschoolin' adventures!

📋Interview With An Unschooler
What Does An Unschooler Think About Unschooling? Hope wanted me to ask her some questions and was delighted when I suggested an...

🖥 Freeschoolin' Speaks and Shares
LOCKDOWN SLOWDOWN For the first time in forever, I have no pictures to share of our week! We are not even a week into our Province's...

🎀Festive Freeschoolin'🎀
We Don't Celebrate Christmas.
So what DO we do and how do we learn from it as radical unschoolers?

🎩 Unschooling: Not A Luxury
ANYONE CAN UNSCHOOL. Not that everyone should, or will, it's just really important to dispel the myth that being able to facilitate a...

🎃October Unschooling Bucket List
Happy October Friends! Fall is in full swing and we are gearing up to suck the marrow out of the month ahead! The weather is perfect...

Freeschoolin' A Week @ The Beach
What Can You Learn from Spending A Week At The Beach? Hope has been teaching herself to swim for years and we've been amazed at her...

🎓No Curriculum? But How Will They Learn...
Humans Are Innately Curious This isn't a theory. Human curiosity drives our species to the places it has adventured thus far and where we...

🌠The Reward of Roleplay🌠
Hope lives in a world of make-believe. Of all the things she does every day, roleplaying is #1 on her list of favourite things. In the...

Unschooling With Art
Hope, 9, is an aspiring artist. She draws, crafts and creates every single day. What is she learning? Colours, Blending, Proportion,...

Freeschoolin' Speaks & Shares A Week In The Life
EXCITING NEWS! In June of last year, I was asked to do some sessions for the 2020 Canadian Online Homeschool Conference and though I was...

⛄Radical Unschooling In Canada
As Radical Unschoolers, We Are Free. Free to learn however we choose. Free to eat whatever we need. Free to create anything we want. ...