All Ages Socialization
We don't look for friends Hope's age specifically. Why? At first, it wasn't on purpose. I learned the joy of socializing with people of...

Freeschoolin': Meet Ups!
Want to know how we plan successful homeschool meetups? Our family has been active in our Un/Homeschool Club for 6 years now and I...

Freeschoolin' @ Earth Valley Organics
What can you learn on an organic farm? Let us show you! We met Alana Kramarchuk at our Not Back to School Beach Meetup this past...

Freeschoolin' A Field Trip!!!
This week we went on a field trip to St. Marie Among the Hurons village and museum with our un/homeschool community! It was a really...

What Can We Learn From The Drive-In?
We really are #NeverNotLearning! Something as simple and fun as the Drive-In can hold educational value that we might not notice unless...

Freeschoolin': LARP Lessons
What Aren't We Learning While LARPing? This past week we had Hope's "Fairy Godparents" staying with us and among many awesome adventures,...

Freeschoolin' Deals with Stealing
Freeschoolin' Deals with Stealing I hope by now we've demolished the idea that we are some perfect family with no conflict or issues. ...

Finding Your Un/Homeschool Community
How did we find support for our outside-the-box lifestyle? It wasn't easy, that's for sure. Well, the process was essentially simple,...

Freeschoolin' Discusses "Sharing"
Of course we want our offspring to be kind and share what they have. But are rules on sharing really invoking these personality traits? I...

Unschooling/Learning from LARP
What is LARP? L.A.R.P. stands for Live Action RolePlay. Like Dungeons and Dragons, participants act out their roles and defend their...

Unschooling/Freeschoolin' Myths Debunked
Yes! We Use Books! I was recently exposed to some misconceptions people have about Unschooling/Freeschoolin'. It was even implied we...

Freeschoolin' Manages "Swearing"
How do we keep Hope's exploration of words from becoming a social nightmare? To start, we didn't swear around Hope until she was mature...

Frugal Freeschoolin' Fun
We are a frugal Family because of necessity but we don't let it limit our fun! For anyone who has been following our vehicle journey, we...

Freeschoolin' Explains Reverse Cycling
In our home we don't have bedtimes. We sleep when we are tired and wake when we we are rested. This often leads to Reverse Cycling for...

Freeschoolin' @ Big Curve Acres
A view of the barn from our wagon ride. We LOVE our Un/Homeschool Club! There are so many opportunities for meet-ups, resources,...