Freeschoolin' Discusses "Sharing"

Of course we want our offspring to be kind and share what they have.
But are rules on sharing really invoking these personality traits?
I personally have raised a child who is now in their mid 20's and one who is 7. I am by no means a Parenting expert. I am an experienced professional child caregiver but I am still learning. That said, in my observation, I have noticed that rules actually do the opposite job that most loving Parents are after. Take "Sharing".
Hope is an only child and doesn't really have to share her toys with anyone in the house. We were somewhat concerned this might have predisposed her to having issues sharing but we followed instincts and put no requirements on Hope to share during social times. We believe this allowed her to avoid pressure from us to share and let her naturally tap into the giving nature all humans have the potential of. She gives away her things, she easily lends things out and she has no issue with sharing while playing with others. No rules. No coercion. Just a choice she makes herself. I think having a good example to draw on is also key to this dynamic; we model giving and sharing openly and encourage Hope to do the same, though she NEVER has to.

This week has been one of the most social for our family. We had an incredible time with members of our Un/Homeschool Club at a local farm.
We hosted a Family LARP event through our LARP company, L.A.S.T. Productions and then a campfire afterward.
Lastly but definitely not least we had even more friends over while they graciously checked out our lemon of a vehicle and afterward had a blast together snacking and chatting till after midnight. Sorry, no pics; I guess we were having too good a time!
It was not rules that made us want to share our home, our time, our things with these people. It was a happy choice, one made with love and free will.
And that's how Hope has learned to share.