Freeschoolin' Deals with Stealing
Freeschoolin' Deals with Stealing
I hope by now we've demolished the idea that we are some perfect family with no conflict or issues. But in case this myth still lingers, I have another example of how we do not avoid mistakes, we learn from them.
The Story We have been spending a lot of time with a wonderful family that have been offering toys they no longer want to Hope (7). She's been delighted and grateful.
But at the last visit before yesterday, Hope decided to take something home without asking. To her, she didn't understand the difference between that and when her friends gave her things. She couldn't see the emotional connection in the moment. Hope confessed the next day and the emotional connection quickly revealed itself all on it's own. She realized that her relationship with her friends meant more than things and immediately sought to make amends. Freeschoolin' Daddy and I supported and comforted Hope. Daddy called our friends and made sure they were not upset so that she could rest easy. A few days later (last night) she returned the item, apologized and then played with her friends.
We didn't shame her. They didn't shame her. She isn't being punished. Her community came together to help her understand her choice and support her in making better decisions in the future. Because we love her. And that's all you need. The discipline of Love.
See what we got up to this week on the latest episode of The Freeschoolin' Homestead
Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy BUY the NEW Freeschoolin' Journal!