Unschooling/Learning from LARP

What is LARP?
L.A.R.P. stands for Live Action RolePlay. Like Dungeons and Dragons, participants act out their roles and defend their characters from harm with whatever abilities they possess in the game. Combat is simulated with safe "boffer" weapons and spell packets made of eco-friendly bird seed and fabric. The plot is determined by story tellers and the extras or bad guys are played by Non-Player Characters/NPC's.
This past week our Un/Homeschool Club met for the first ever LunchNLARP where we picnicked at a local park and then headed into the woods for a game of Boffer Capture The Relic (Flag).
What We Learned:
Physical Education
Team Work Problem Solving Risk Assessment Body Care Hand Eye Coordination Socialization Strategy Conflict Management Skills Communication So Much More... Thank you so much to the members who came out and made this an awesome adventure! The educational benefits of LARP are just the beginning. I found, in my personal life as a long-time LARPer, that it helped me in all aspects of my life. We plan to unveil a family friendly LARP system to our Club that we'll share with you once we have it ready to play. With weapon making instructions, eventual video, and more we hope to help you establish an Un/Homeschool LARP community of your own if desired.
We love LARP. We LOVE our Un/Homeschool Community. We are over the moon about Freeschoolin'!