Freeschoolin': Helping The Homeless
With Privilege Comes Responsibility Our family has been volunteering with a group called "Friends of the Homeless Living in Barrie!" It...

Is Freeschoolin' Smart?
We don't have cell/smart phones! Now, this wasn't a conscious choice at first. Finances forced this way of life for us, but we are...

Freeschoolin': Celebrations
How our freeschoolin'family celebrates the holidays! What we don't do Holiday Shopping Other than for Hope, we don't really buy for the...

Seasonschooling: Summer
Everything is green and growing! Seasonschooling is letting the seasons dictate what areas of life we focus on and learn from. In the...

Freeschoolin' Mommy: Doing It All!
How Do I Do It All? Homesteading, Home Education, Book Writing and Illustrating, Horse Care and Animal Training, Blogging, Vlogging,...

Freeschoolin': Re-Parenting For Peace
What is Re-Parenting? A fancy term for re-writing negative, obsolete coping skills and patterns learned through childhood that prevent us...

Freeschoolin': Respectful Relationships
Our children become what we are. What we do. What we say. How we act. It's a BIG responsibility to set the example for future...

Nocturnal Nights: Reverse Cycling
We've Been Reverse Cycling! For weeks now, Hope has been staying up all night and sleeping during the day. We've written a few times...

Peaceful Parenting Is Not Perfect Parenting
Peaceful Parenting is not perfect parenting. It is the constant choice to seek a respectful, non-violent, loving relationship with our...

Happy New Year Blog & Vlog
Hart Family Holiday Photo 2018 Happy New Year! We hope you have had a wonderful time of celebration during this festive season. Ours is...

Presents & Presence: Gifts Of The Holiday Season
HAPPY HOLIDAYS Dear Friends! There was nothing for me to unwrap under the tree this year. Truth be told, in previous years if there was,...

Seasonschooling: Winter
What is Seasonschooling? Using the 4 seasons to help determine what areas of life we focus on as Unschoolers. Winter We are covered in...

A Freeschoolin' Holiday & FREE Colouring Pages!
Illustration by Wendy Elizabeth Hart We are on a quest to find ways to celebrate the happiest, healthiest Holiday possible! Over the...

Healthy Halloween Tricks and Treats
From the candy to the costumes Freeschoolin' has gathered lots of ideas that are sure to help your family celebrate this Halloween with...

Seasonschooling: Fall
What is "Seasonschooling"? Just a nifty little term I made up (or I've never heard it before) to describe how we determine what areas of...