Happy New Year Blog & Vlog

Hart Family Holiday Photo 2018
Happy New Year!
We hope you have had a wonderful time of celebration during this festive season. Ours is an energy sensitive family so we planned for a very low key few weeks. It's a good thing too because we rung New Years in with Hope sleeping and me hurling ( sorry if it's TMI, we get real here. lol ) while Freeschoolin' Daddy looked after the animals and I. It was energy sickness, something that is familiar to me as an evolving Empath with other extreme energy sensitivities. Because we planned for these waves, we rode them through and carried on once they had subsided. Despite energy challenges we managed to get to the local swimming pool for the first time ever and attended an event called the Barrie Bouncefest.
Here's our latest episode of The Freeschoolin' Homestead, our YouTube Channel.
Wishing you and your family all the best of 2018! Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy BUY The Children's Book Available in Paperback and EBook.