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Freeschoolin' Mommy: Doing It All!

How Do I Do It All?

Homesteading, Home Education, Book Writing and Illustrating, Horse Care and Animal Training, Blogging, Vlogging, Reducing Waste, Eating Healthy, Home Maintenance, Budgeting, Peaceful Parenting, Fun with Friends and so much more... A common question I get is how do I get it all done?


Well, I'll share my big secret with you. I don't.

My formula for success is to prioritize, do what I can and don't leave out the fun. On a day where my to do list is too much for me but I can't take anything off, I just do my best. I make sure I get the HAVE TO's done, the Should Do's reprioritized to meet my time and energy constraints , while the Want To's get picked off as I am able. No day is successful, in my mind, that didn't have fun things included. If it's hot and there's a ton to do, we'll head to the beach anyway and plan to get as much done as we can and must do. If we're invited out with friends, we gleefully say yes as often as possible and arrange our to do list accordingly.

We try to play as hard or harder than we work. This is the balance we strive to achieve and how we maintain a true level of happiness in our lives that some find unbelievable.

Thanks for viewing our blog! If you're interested, check out our Bookstore for a growing selection of Unschooling/Freeschoolin' books!

Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy

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