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Why We Don't Have Bedtimes

Life Learning/Freeschoolin' doesn't stop because the sun sets.

This week is a great example as to why we don't have a specific time to go to bed.

The sun is up for so much longer in the summer and we wish to take advantage of it as often as possible!

Splash Pad Adventure

We had an excellent splash pad meet up with awesome friends this past week that didn't see us getting home until well after my Parents would have had me in bed for the night when I was growing up.

It didn't matter if the neighbourhood was still a buzz with playing and enjoying the sun setting; I was in bed at 7pm and that was that. I remember hearing kids outside my window and longing for freedom.


After only a few hours sleep, Hope ,7, happily woke up (there was indeed giggling) to go to Big Curve Acres to volunteer.

We all had a great time. No one suspected Hope was up most of the night before. She is so adept at managing herself when she makes choices for her own life.

Best Friends Visit

Our besties came to visit us at Big Curve Acres and see the animals before we all headed back to our home for even MORE fun.

Until night fell, Hope and her friends played and played.

We rode horseback, had an amazing organic dinner together and connected wonderfully.

When the sun set, Hope decided she needed sleep and crashed for the night. She is so very good at taking care of her needs. No meltdowns. No out of control behavior due to fatigue.

How We Make It Work

Freeschoolin' Daddy and I tag team to make sure Hope always has someone up with her and that neither Parent is exhausted. One of us follows Hope's natural sleep schedule, which includes Reverse Cycling with every New and Full moon. (Click Here for an explanation of Reverse Cycling.) We learn from life at night when we're up at night. Walks in the dark are amazing for star gazing, charting the moon and seeing wildlife you normally don't.

We can hear Coyotes howling as they travel past our land in the middle of the night, see bats at dusk eating their hearty mosquito dinner and listen for owls calling and hunting through the darkness. We engage Hope in all our plans as a peer so that she can plan to manage her resources and energy for self care appropriately.

Why We Make It Work

I have the privilege of Hope being my second child. My beautiful first I parented punitively, complete with a bedtime rule. I see what arbitrary rules meant to control do to a relationship from both sides now; Parent and Child. I knew there had to be another way and so we tried Principles and Boundaries of Respect and Safety with Hope. Our Relationship is the focus. Not rules. Communication is the result, not conflict. When we let go of the need to control the people, even our kids, around us we have the freedom to truly be together authentically and experience all the bliss that comes with conscious relationships. We find that kids are capable of more than we ever could have dreamed and it quickly becomes clear that we've been holding them back from greatness with punitive measures. We CAN trust kids even if we weren't trusted when we were children. We CAN break the cycle and be free.

Much Love, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy Buy The Children's Book Paperback EBook

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