Freeschoolin' @ Canada's Wonderland
What's educational about an amusement park? We're excited to share! Our family was gifted tickets by an amazing family to the biggest...

Up All Night with Freeschoolin' !
Last night Hope didn't sleep. It was the Full Moon, so she was up all night while it shone brilliantly in the night sky. After being up...

Nocturnal Nights: Reverse Cycling
We've Been Reverse Cycling! For weeks now, Hope has been staying up all night and sleeping during the day. We've written a few times...

Why We Don't Have Bedtimes
Life Learning/Freeschoolin' doesn't stop because the sun sets. This week is a great example as to why we don't have a specific time to go...

Freeschoolin' Explains Reverse Cycling
In our home we don't have bedtimes. We sleep when we are tired and wake when we we are rested. This often leads to Reverse Cycling for...