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Why We Don't Do Classes

There are SO many groups, lessons and classes to sign up for in our Un/Homeschool Club Community. Literally, there is no way we could attend them all. Mostly, we attend none. Here's why. Classes are amazing. Freeschoolin' Daddy attends wrestling seminars as often as possible to continue growing in his craft. But he understands what a class entails and is ready to manage all the aspects of participating. Not all students do, and this can make classes more stressful than educational. Lessons can be extremely helpful. But if a student, any student at all, does not learn the way the group is set up to proceed through the lesson, it can be just as frustrating. For some, learning in a social environment could be somewhat or completely overwhelming. Freedom. From our observation and her admission, Hope (8) does not find structure when being social helpful. If everyone gets together to play a LARP in the Park, she is game. But if everyone wants to learn how to crochet? She'd rather do that in the wee hours of the morning when the moon has invoked her creative heart. In a group, she wants to play. Mostly pretend. Hope loves to swim but if we put her in lessons, she would find it restrictive and therefore unpleasant. She just wants freedom to be in the water with her friends and family and learn in her own time. When she wants more instruction, Hope seeks it. She'll watch a youtube video, reference a book, ask a question or let us walk her through things. If she wants to attend classes as she grows, we will facilitate the heck out of whatever she is interested in. But for now, just living new experiences is what Hope is after, with animals if possible, and always with the freedom to live her own best Freeschoolin' life. Our Week Hope's Fairy Godmother stayed with us for most of the week and we had a blast!

Latest Youtube Episode!

We miss all our Un/Homeschool Club friends with whom we spent the summer and fall and cannot wait to see you again soon! (((((Big Hugs)))))

Happy Holidays from The Freeschoolin' Family

Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy

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