The Dangers of Daylight Savings
It's that time of year again. Twice a year we adhere to the practice of turning our clocks ahead an hour in spring and an hour behind in...

The Freedom of Freeschoolin'
Are We Free? There's so much we assume we have to do in life, but step outside society's traditional boxes and eyes are opened. ...

Too Cool For School!
Cute and funny title aside, school just isn't for us. Our whole family learns seamlessly without a schedule, curriculum or tests. ...

Is Freeschoolin' Smart?
We don't have cell/smart phones! Now, this wasn't a conscious choice at first. Finances forced this way of life for us, but we are...

Why We Don't Do Classes
There are SO many groups, lessons and classes to sign up for in our Un/Homeschool Club Community. Literally, there is no way we could...