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Reading & Writing with Freeschoolin'/Unschooling

Reading and Writing through Freeschoolin'

She's doing it!

Hope (7) is really teaching herself to read and write! I've heard of it, I've watched other families do it, but to witness it with my own daughter; SIMPLY AMAZING! These last few days she naturally taught herself to spell some new words like baby, hop and red.

How? We break it down into 3 key elements that we found vital for supporting our self-learning student learn reading and writing skills. Examples I think it's really important for Parents to read if we want our kids to read. Not just to them while they quietly sit with us, eager to listen. Read aloud time during a bath or puzzles are great fun. And we must never underestimate our influence. Littles observing others reading often want to mirror those actions. Reading begets readers. And writing begets writers. Write lists, stories, poems, letters. If cursive is important to you to pass on, use it often. Resources There are endless resources for learning to read and write naturally. Seriously. An exit sign. A video game. A calendar on the wall. Surfing YouTube. Using a recipe. Chalk and White Boards. Pen Pals. We talk about the words we see and sound them out together when the mood strikes. Our To Do lists are on the walls for Hope to observe and mimic on her own. Supplies for writing are readily available and easy to access. We hit up the library for new books regularly. Our card is usually maxed out because we all love to read! Attitude Replace worry with trust and we've got a winning attitude. Trust that our children can learn what they need, when they need it, with the healthy resources, examples and attitude we provide. Trust that we are all born with a passion for discovery and all Parents have to do is cultivate it. Let go of pressure to keep up to school students. They have their own hurdles.

We chose this learning path for a reason. We won't let fear sway us from what we feel is best for our family. We know it works! Please feel free to share your questions or comments below.

Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy


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