Freeschoolin' Handles Disappointment

Yesterday we had to cancel our fun plans for the day.
It's a really big deal because we only get a vehicle to use 2-3 days a week so we can't just reschedule easily.

How We Turned Our Day Around
#1. Acceptance. First, we fully accepted the reality of what we were missing out on. I cried. Hope was sad. We let our plans go and grieved for them. #2. Positive Brainstorming. Immediately we began searching on how to create a positive spin on cancelled plans. The issue that grounded us; we were snowed in. The best way to use the problem as a solution in this case was to have a Snow Day!!!

We made plans to go outside and adventure
in the snow, thought of ideas on how we could use the snow creatively and got excited about our new itinerary for the day.
#3. Action. From digging and burying, to roleplay and snow throwing we had an awesome Snow Day. I brought out the snowshoes to make paths through the deep snow and we visited our horsey, River, at the Barn. Any plans we didn't get to yesterday can spill over into today.
With our 3 Step process to deal with disappointment we can take any nasty situation and turn it into a positive!
We're happy to share these emotional intelligence building techniques with Hope and anyone else who is seeking peaceful ways to deal with big feelings.
If you haven't seen it, here's the latest episode of The Freeschoolin' Homestead!
Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy Buy The Children's Book Available in Paperback and Ebook