Recording Unschooling

How do we keep track of what we're learning through Unschooling/Freeschoolin'?
We use quite a few methods to depict how we learn. This allows us thorough records that are simple and fun to gather.
As you might know, we have a Facebook Page we update frequently with pictures and tales of what we are up to. This really helps us to connect with our peers and gain insights from the community.
Twitter is another platform we use in this manner.
We also have a YouTube Channel with real, unedited footage from our Unschooling days. We love having video evidence of how we learn. Check out The Freeschoolin' Homestead.
The blog you're reading is another resource we use to share proof of education that we can later reference should we need to for any reason.
Lastly, but certainly not least, is our journal.
We have been recording in a journal since Hope was 3. She's going on 8 now so we have a lot of records already.
Every day or so (sometimes I miss a day or a week, no biggie), I record our happenings in point form for a brief but clear idea of what we are up to. I have been using Dollar Store journals.

We are actually working on a Freeschoolin' Journal to offer our Freeschoolin' Friends. It will be over 80 pages of joyful and inspiring illustrations with fresh and inviting front and back cover art and lots of room to record Unschooling fun.

Some may say keeping Unschooling records isn't necessary but in this changing world, it is wise to be prepared. We live a very outside the box lifestyle and should government agencies ever need evidence of our education, we want to help them understand how much we learn every day just from living life.
Happy Freeschoolin' Friends!
Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy BUY The Children's Book Available in Paperback and Ebook