Holiday Happenings (Recipe Included!)

Happy Holidays Freeschoolin' Friends!
We have been busy with holiday preparations this last week and having so much fun!
As you might know, we're taking it easy this season, but we did have one family visit to prepare for early in the month of December. We scheduled our holiday making to reflect that and now we plan to coast for the rest of the month since everything that had to be done, pretty much is.
There's still some baking left to do because Hope has her heart set on ginger bread cookies and we are almost out of short bread. If you'd like to make your own organic Gingerbread dough for cookies or houses, click here for the link to our recipe on the old blog site.
Unschooling Fun
We've been getting outside to enjoy the snow, making crafts, painting on the chalkboard with water and watching movies on a projector we were gifted by awesome friends.
I didn't get any pictures of Hope's maternal Grandfather and Step-Grandmother visiting so you'll have to take my word that it was an experience to be grateful for. It was the first time they'd seen a physical copy of the children's book I wrote and illustrated and their excitement and support was wonderful.
If you are looking for a children's book about a life of learning outside of school, with bright and colourful illustrations, be sure to check out Amazon for both paperback and ebook copies of, "Freeschoolin': Life Is My School!".
Whatever you celebrate or don't, know our family is sending you wishes for happiness and peace always.
Latest Episode of The Freeschoolin' Homestead Organic Grocery Shopping and Unschooling Life
May the Love of the season surround you,
Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy BUY The Children's Book! Paperback Ebook