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Freeschoolin': Never Not Learning

Learning Never Stops

School gives those who are indoctrinated the idea that learning happens in classes with educational activities and teachers. And it can. But for most of our lives, we're learning from our experiences and life happenings more than anything. School, when not a choice of the student, is in my opinion in the way of inspiring a life-long love of learning. Every day there is something new to discover, opportunity to delve into our passions and experiences that shape our minds. Freeschoolin'/Unschooling is about shifting the perspective of learning from inside a box to daily life and looking for the education all around. It's about taking control of our path and deciding what we want to glean from life. It's the freedom to learn about anything, anytime, anywhere in the preferred environment of the student, providing the best opportunity for retention and understanding. It's choice. Nothing coerced. And it's amazing to behold.

This Week

We had our best friends and Hope's Fairy Godparents over to visit for a few days, which is always a fun time.

They brought a vintage sled for us to use so it was waxed up and hooked up to the dog for some snowtime fun! ( No pics sorry! ) We played games, watched movies together and discovered pussy willows with Hope for the first time. (Thanks Costco!)

We also volunteered at a Valentine's dinner for the homeless where Hope got to do something about the people she's seen sleeping outside our local library this winter.

Our amazing homeschool friends were there too (Thanks for the pics!) making our time helping out joyful for many reasons. Everything we do as a family, Hope is choosing to do with us.

We never require her to participate. So when she gets involved, it's genuine and she has the energy to finish what she started despite the challenge level.

I am in awe of Hope's abilities at such a young age.

I attribute them to our Unschooled/Freeschoolin' lifestyle because, though she is very bright and capable, I believe it's the freedom to follow her own path with absolute support and respect from her family, her foundation, that facilitates her to reach so far, so soon.

We are so excited to see what unfolds for Hope in the future!

Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy Visit our Bookstore

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