🦅 Hope Doesn't Obey The Rules
And boy are we glad she doesn't!
Because our goal isn't obedience.
Our intent is to create a lifelong, respectful friendship with the amazing beings we call to this earth, while supporting them in the best possible way as they grow. Instead of rules, we utilize boundaries for safety and respect in our home and relationships.
A trusted friendship is cultivated and nurtured, not rife with rules to keep us in line. So why should we need more with our children?
Our biggest hurdle is to undo the belief instilled in us that children are not capable of self regulation and good decision making. We were taught there would be toxic chaos without rules. Living for the past 10 years without them, I beg to differ and so do many radical unschooling families across the globe.
What we have found is that boundaries are far more efficient than rules.
The Difference Between Rules and Boundaries
Rules are for others. Boundaries are for self. A boundary protects your limitations. It does not impose itself on others. It's full out permission to disallow someone's actions towards you and remove your presence should someone continue. Boundaries don't rely on others to keep them strong, that's our responsibility. Once a family dynamic switches from upholding rules to supporting everyone's boundaries, violators don't exist anymore and instead, we have opportunities for bonding and growth. If you need support and to see other families living this way I'd highly recommend going on Facebook and finding some radical unschooling groups that suit your style. (There are many.) If you'd like to get in on our safe, free community for unschooling and peaceful parenting support, join us here! Ask questions, share your adventures and connect with other families. Can't wait to see you!
Our family has finally named all our chicks and they go as follows, "Torchick, HayHay, Voldemort, Ploof, Goldie and Nugget." They are now nearly a month old and we are just having the time of our lives learning how to care for them and spending lots of quality time together. We had some warm weather so we took advantage by continuing to build our chicken "litter". It's a design I've had in mind for 3 years so I'm really excited to see it take form. It should keep our chickens dry, warm and safe at night, hold their eggs and give them space to graze as they like during the day. There are now handles on the back and front ( not shown ) so we can pick it up and move it where ever we want. Hope even helped out this week with a build day! Our power went out for a few hours in the middle of the week, so we decided to play uno while keeping our chicks warm (their brooder is electric) and munching on organic, dark chocolate chips. There was picnicking at the creek, long walks and of course, lots of drawing. Hope has been really interested in Planet Zoo, which has a lot of reading so she's picked up some more words. We roleplayed, roughhoused and had our friends over for dinner and a coop building session. Throughout this week Hope has reverse cycled most days but that hasn't inhibited us at all, as per usual.
We're #nevernotlearning.
Time Management, Reading, Dramatic Arts, Visual Arts, Technology, Energy Regulation, Decision Making, Nutrition, Body Care, Emotional Intelligence, Respectful Relationships, Confidence, Math, Science, Animal Studies, Animal Care, Responsibility, Compassion, Caregiving, Music, Creative Thinking, Communication,
So Much More...
Check out our Youtube channel for more videos!
Much Love,
About the Author
Wendy Elizabeth Hart - Author, Illustrator, is a radical unschooling, homesteading Mom of 2 amazing kids and wife of more than 10 years to her bff, Jaze. Together with their daughter Hope, 10, they live a life of daily discovery in rural Ontario, Canada and share it with the world to connect with other families in the unschooling community.
