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💩 Freeschoolin': Learning From Mistakes

Mistakes Are Amazing.

No, really. They are the opportunities we need to evolve from our experiences and grow as people.

As I get older (45 now 😊) and look back on life, I can see that my mistakes have almost taught me more than my successes, now that I've let them. Failure is no stranger to me, we are very good friends indeed. A lot of my self work is forgiveness and understanding for failing my late son as a mother. It is so easy to fall into old patterns of harsh condemnation of myself that mimic the environment I was raised in. I had to face my choices head on, without self judgement, to see where my mistakes had led me and why, before I could begin to re-write my mental programming for healthier outcomes. No easy task.

Growing up there was no unconditional love so I first discovered I needed to establish that in my life, about myself. I was fortunate enough to eventually "see" my intrinsic, unshakeable, tremendous worth and build on that foundation. It's a worth we all have just by being born. It is what we are. Irrevocably worthy.

When we look at ourselves through the eyes of love, judgement falls away and we can perceive even our worst mistakes as useful, necessary. The building blocks of our path to wisdom.

As Ms. Frizzle says, "Take chances, make mistakes, get messy!"


The family was busy with chicken care and coop building, dinner with our besties, D&D fun, shopping and the arrival of the Okapi Hope ordered online with her own money. She has named it Ziggy and has given him his own bandana to signal he is part of her pack. Hope has been playing Planet Zoo where she became more interested in Okapis and has learned a lot about them. Our beloved unschool friends sent us the most wonderful package of books that we all loved, including Charlie Mackesy's illustrated poetry storybook, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. It's moving, comforting, beautiful, inspiring and more. Hope asked me to read it to her cover to cover as soon as it arrived and I was so happy to do so. Thank you sweet friends. Hope's appetite for words is increasing. We've been playing impromptu, made up games where Jaze and I will spell a word to each other and she quickly writes it down and tries to figure out what it says. Some dear friends we met through our homeschool group dropped off clothing for Hope and some organic freezies, much to her delight. She's been having fun wearing new outfits every day and we are so grateful to our friends! Hope reverse cycled lots this week but, as always, we just roll with it and go with her flow. It didn't stop us from shopping, getting outside to play, bike riding, drawing, pretending and doing experiments with baking soda and salt. Oh and an amazing game of twister! Hope was victorious against both Jaze and myself. Our family doesn't celebrate traditional holidays so on Sunday when everyone was doing their Easter thing, we had an afternoon organic lolipop trail/hunt and dinner cooked on our first campfire of 2021.

SUBJECTS: Phys Ed, Critical Thinking, Reading, Writing, Math, Retail, Budgeting, Time Management, Socialization, Community Living, Conflict Resolution, Emotional Intelligence, Animal Care, Farm Management, Problem Solving, Bonding, Science, Nature, Survival Skills, Imagination, Art, Interior Design, Celebrations, Independence, Food Preparation, Decision Making, Planning, Custodial Skills, So Much More...



Much Love Always,


About the Author

Wendy Elizabeth Hart - Author, Illustrator, is a radical unschooling, homesteading Mom of 2 amazing kids and wife of more than 10 years to her bff, Jaze. Together with their daughter Hope, 10, they live a life of daily discovery in rural Ontario, Canada and share it with the world to connect with other families in the unschooling community.


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