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🥀 Freeschoolin': Learning From Death

Life is Learning!

And so is Death.

Lessons come from loss, as our unschooling family has discovered, and with every end comes a new beginning. There is no subject in school for learning about Death. No instruction on how to cope and move forward afterward. What we learn from is the experience of losing a loved one. It's hands on, immersive, inescapable.

Jaze lost his live-in Godmother when he was younger, and experienced the loss of a family pet bird around the same time so this was very healing for him to let go of our little friend in such a peaceful way. They (Jaze) held Torchic as she passed and rewrote the trauma of his past losses. I learned how it feels to witness a life leave a body fully and added on to my afterlife library of experiences, something I am truly drawn to educate myself on. I expanded on my energy working skills through assisting Torchic's transition and discovered what I will be seeing when I have to dispatch one of our flock for whatever reason. Hope faced a fear she had with getting chickens, one of them dying, and put her energy in Torchic's "funeral", where she decided to get hands on with the burial.

We know death as a teacher, a motivator, an eventual promise.

We lost one.

This week one of our 6 wk old chicks, our first flock ever, died suddenly. She was smaller than the rest, took sick in the morning and passed before midnight. We knew going into this that it could happen and had prepared ourselves as much as possible, but of course the experience is the greatest professor. Hope opted not to watch her final moments but did care for her all day up until that point. I wrapped her up in a little towel and let her rest until she was close to the end. As an Psychic Empath and Animal Communicator, I could feel her life ebbing all day and supported her as fully as possible with energy. When she passed she looked me directly in the eye, held my gaze as she was freed of her discomfort and gently closed her eyes when she was gone. It was honestly beautiful and I cried everyone's tears, (Jaze and Hope were not ready to cry, yet they were very sad inside) and thanked Torchic for all she came to do.

What we learned.

Jaze lost his live-in Godmother when he was younger, and experienced the loss of a family pet bird around the same time so this was very healing for him to let go of our little friend in such a peaceful way. They (Jaze) held Torchic as she passed and rewrote the trauma of his past losses. I learned how it feels to witness a life leave a body fully and added on to my afterlife library of experiences, something I am truly drawn to educate myself on. I expanded on my energy working skills through assisting Torchic's transition and discovered what I will be seeing when I have to dispatch one of our flock for whatever reason. Hope faced a fear she had with getting chickens, one of them dying, and focused on Torchic's "funeral", where she decided to get hands on with the burial.

We all learned about diseases Chickens can get and how, what to do if a chicken is ill and that we are ready to fully embrace all the ups and downs of farm life.

Sometimes your crops fail. Sometimes your chicks die. Sometimes you lose people along the way. But what is left is yours to enjoy and appreciate to the fullest. Death may come but until then, there is only life. Live it!


We finished the run part of our "chicken litter" and our chickens have been spending as many days outside as possible, weather providing. They absolutely love scratching and eating worms and we are loving having some respite from house chickens. Though now the chickens are having to deal with a coop Hope... Hope is pretty impressed with our building skills so far and we're all excited to finish the house part of our chickens' new home. Other than our chickens, Hope has been into Planet Zoo, Drawing, Roleplaying with toys and with Jaze and, newly, fashion and doing her hair. We had the bubble of friends over we've been connected with since before March 2020 and had a wonderful fire together. Our rescue horse is doing wonderfully and loving the warmer weather that brings the grass.


TORCHIC'S FUNERAL Check out our Youtube Channel!

Much Love Always, Wendy BOOKS, CLOTHING & MORE

About the Author

Wendy Elizabeth Hart - Author, Illustrator, is a radical unschooling, homesteading Mom of 2 amazing kids and wife of more than 10 years to her bff, Jaze. Together with their daughter Hope, 10, they live a life of daily discovery in rural Ontario, Canada and share it with the world to connect with and support other families in the unschooling community.


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