📱 Freeschoolin': How Screen Freedom Works

But Won't They Be On Screens All Day?
My response to that question is a question. Would you?
The reason I ask is that one of the ways self regulation is encouraged is by example. If we are struggling with our own self regulation on screens it will be next to impossible to cultivate screen balance in our kids. Not only because kids are pretty much monkey see, monkey do, but it will be very difficult to see how self regulation can work for anyone, let alone children, if we haven't mastered it ourselves.

Safe Screen Time Regulation
The goal is to, coercion free, provide a environment that will naturally encourage balance with screens and all activities in our day. At first, if there has been a lot of restriction, there will be bingeing. The best way to handle that is to mentally prepare for it and let it happen for as long as it needs to. Every person will be different.
As we have already discussed, parental example is vital for encouraging balance with screen time. ( Or anything for that matter.)
Model the screen time balance you want to see in your children. If you struggle, let them see how you navigate through challenges, towards your goal of healthy screen use. Not only will you build your own self regulation skills, but you'll see the evidence that you can trust your kids will be able to as well.
Present lots of opportunity for fun, non screen activities and outings. It doesn't have to be outdoors; board games, roleplay and crafting are favorites with kids, teens and adults alike. Make fun events and get out to explore new places.
Watch what students are playing and viewing. Instead of worrying what they are missing out on, see what they are diving into. Investigate what they are getting out of it. Discover their passions for screens, whatever they may be. Make lists of subjects they are learning naturally during their screen time.
Let Go
Leave the coercion ( guilt, bribery etc) behind. Trust in your growing human's ability to take the most out of screens, some very valuable tools, and leave the rest behind, just like you do. Understand that restriction creates obsession and remember what that feels like to not have choice to explore something you are drawn to. Hold in your heart the unschooling mantra that "life is learning" and everything they are doing in a day is exactly the education needed. There is no falling behind.

When we spend our days playing, creating and exploring, even on screens, we are #nevernotlearning.
Disclaimer: All families and people are different. Some have specific needs and variables that require a different home structure than this article promotes. Continue to do your best and know we're cheering you on!
We took advantage of warm days with bike riding, getting our chickens some sunshine and building our chicken coop. Already they are starting to work our garden, fertilizing, spreading and tilling. They follow us wherever we go and it is so freakin' adorable. We had dinner with Hope's godparents and played some UNO. Life seems almost normal, thankfully.
Hope and Jaze took a walk/bike ride up to a store nearby for the first time in a long time, much to Hope's delight. They watched the sun poke through the clouds as they tried to beat the storm back ( they did ), but not before checking out a caterpillar along the way.
Though we did have some warm days, many were too cold for the chicks to get outside yet so they ran around our kitchen/living room getting exercise and learning to stretch their wings.
Hope played Minecraft, Life Is Strange, Wildcraft, Planet Zoo and watched movies like Rio. Of course she spent time on Youtube and Tik Tok and drawing, drawing, drawing.
She is so happy taking care of the chicks whenever they need her, no nudging from us needed.
Phys Ed, Animal Care, Responsibility, Self Regulation, Technology, Bonding, Home Management, Time Management, Problem Solving, Energy Regulation, Emotional Intelligence, Nature, Organic Farming, Sustainable Living, Ecology, Kindness, Team Work, Compromise, Socialization, Creative Thinking, Drama, Art, Reading, Math, Finances, So Much More...
CHICKENS ON A BLANKET! Check out our Youtube Channel
Much Love Always, Wendy BOOKS, CLOTHING & MORE
About the Author
Wendy Elizabeth Hart - Author, Illustrator, is a radical unschooling, homesteading Mom of 2 amazing kids and wife of more than 10 years to her bff, Jaze. Together with their daughter Hope, 10, they live a life of daily discovery in rural Ontario, Canada and share it with the world to connect with and support other families in the unschooling community.
