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👾 Learn Through Play Forever

Learning Through Play Forever Article Title Page

Many agree learning through play is vital.

On that same hand, many are convinced that at some point, it's not educational enough. But what if? What if we just played, created and explored for our entire lives? Would we miss out on necessary subjects? Our theory and long-term experience says no. Through being curious, playful and creative, we can discover all we came here to find, learn all we need to survive and do all we need to thrive.

Our family has been putting this into practice collectively for 10 years, but even longer individually.

Through play, we've learned how to illustrate, write and publish books, compose on the piano, plan and run events, organize our home and farm efficiently, cook over an open fire and other survival skills, rescue, train and care for an ex-racehorse, create a homeschool club, make our own bread, film and produce videos, begin a wrestling career, support vulnerable community members, sew clothing, toys and more, make jewellery, professionally decorate, create and run a Live Action Sport Theatre production company, design sets and costumes and share everything we've learned with anyone we can.

A playful life leads to learning, there's no way to escape it!

This Past 3 Weeks

My blog has been having an issue so I was unable to catch everyone up until now. A lot has happened so hold on to your seat! We finished off our haunted trail event, Hartland Horror, enjoyed bug free campfires together and said hello to the dozy frogs hanging around our pond. Earth Valley Organics needed mullein transplanted from their veggie beds, so Jaze and I helped out while Hope played. It was so rewarding and we learned a ton, as always!

Our dear rescue horse, River, colicked so badly we had to call in the vet. He is getting on in years (24) and his teeth are showing his age so we asked for his teeth to be floated and to be checked out. Horses teeth, over time, can be worn down to a painful point or break apart all together from use so they need them to be leveled out and their diet modified to the capability of their chew. River will now have to be on mash ( which he already was on ) for the rest of his life to ensure he gets all the nutrition he needs despite not being able to chew hay as well as when he was younger. He's doing much better now and loving the new beet pulp we added to his feed. Our besties who have been living with us stayed away for a night, so we threw up Superbed and watched a scary movie with homemade organic pizza, much to Hope's delight. The first snow of the season fell but it only lasted a few days until melting into the last warm days of the year, one of which was the day of our car appt to get our winter tires put on. While we waited we hit up the Barrie waterfront, playing on the equipment, checking out the park, exploring the water and observing the surrounding wildlife. It snowed AGAIN, enticing Hope to get out and adventure. Hope and I did a drawing activity together while Jaze shopped, Hope did some sewing to a lamb stuffie she found while in town and played lots of minecraft, animal jam and Sims 4. She also watched youtube for drawing tutorials and tik tok videos. We attempted a game of Monopoly, read the Hobbit aloud, baked organic chocolate chip muffins and Hope did a lot of waterplay in the bath. As always, everyday Hope draws her little heart out. She's talked about writing her first book recently and we are at the ready to facilitate that project as soon as she gives us the go.


Much Love Always, Wendy Books, Clothing & More About the Author Wendy Elizabeth Hart - Author, Illustrator, is a radical unschooling, homesteading Mom of 2 amazing kids and wife of more than 10 years to her bff, Jaze. Together with their daughter Hope, 10, they live a life of daily discovery in rural Ontario, Canada and share it with the world to connect with other families in the unschooling community.

Wendy Elizabeth Hart,- Author, Illustrator

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