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🎼Music: Unschooled!

Music Unschooled Blog Article Title Page

How did I teach myself to play the piano?

I didn't know it then, but long before Hope came along 10 years ago, I began my unschooling journey. I have taught myself many things but one of the first things I noticed, besides addition in my 20's, was teaching myself to play the piano. So when someone from our Freeschoolin' Facebook page asked how I did it, I was inspired to turn it into this week's blog. (Thanks for the inspiration!) I am very musically inclined, having been labelled with perfect pitch from a master musician, and able to harmonize to anything for as long as I can remember. As dysfunctional as my upbringing was, there was music. There were tight, rigid rules around music, which deterred me to say the least, but my natural ability shone through despite the hurdles I had to jump through. While singing was often demanded of me, playing an instrument was not.

Hope Banner Illustration by Wendy Elizabeth Hart

As a child I remember playing our old electric organ and messing around with melodies, but I wouldn't play for long because I couldn't stand the sound it made. I longed for a piano. When I used to go to church I finally gathered up the courage to steal away to an empty room and practice on their pianos. I would just put my hands down on the keys and let them take me on a melody adventure. One day my sister came in and was absolutely shocked to hear that it was me playing. I didn't really realize I'd gotten that good until her reaction. In my adulthood, my then boyfriend bought me a top of the line (for it's time) electric keyboard. I spent hours, and hours AND HOURS practicing. Once I learned to play and sing, I started writing music. One of the first and THE most important song I've ever written so far is "You, Happy", that shares how I felt and feel about my firstborn, my late son Skylar, who was stolen away and driven over the edge by CAS. (Children's Aid Society.) You can read our story here. Video I recorded a special video so you can see for yourself what Unschooling has me taught musically.

🎶💙You, Happy - Recording by Wendy Elizabeth Hart

So how did I learn to play the piano? Through exposure, example, passion, opportunity and the environment to do so. I am still learning. Because Unschooling never stops. This Past 2 Weeks

We've been socializing with Hope's Fairy Godparents and our dear unschool friends, keeping cool at the beach and Hope now is able to swim well in deep water without worry. Way to go Hope! Our garden is busting with harvest from Zucchini, Green Onions and now, tomatoes! All organic, all delicious! Jaze and I have been working on the new children's book like crazy and are very excited for the future when we get to share it with you all. We also have been doing weekly D&D with our friends online which we are absolutely loving. Hope has been catching frogs, playing barefoot outside, sleeping with us in the tent, playing the piano, watching furry costumes on Youtube, How To Train Your Dragon on Netflix and playing Minecraft with Jaze.

Much Love Always Wendy Books, Clothing & More About the Author Wendy Elizabeth Hart is an unschooling, homesteading Mom of 2 amazing kids and wife of more than 10 years to her bff, Jaze. Together with their daughter Hope, 10, they live a life of daily discovery in rural Ontario, Canada and share it with the world to connect with other families in the unschooling community.

Wendy Elizabeth Hart

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