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🌀Top 5 Homeschool Myths

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Don't let these myths deter you from homeschooling!

Top 5 Homeschool Myths

(In No Particular Order)

1. You need a curriculum. Though some opt in, many opt out of any curriculum, becoming unschoolers. Life is learning therefore every moment spent living is a lesson. This truth supports unschoolers to let their passions take the lead and focus. If you want a curriculum, you can make one yourself with free resources. But there is literally no need to use a curriculum for fear that a student won't learn what they need to naturally. 2. You need a homeschool room. We have never had a homeschool room and folks who travel/worldschool don't usually have a room they dedicate only to homeschooling. It's actually pretty common not to have a homeschool room at all. Do what works for you. Learn in the garden, at the kitchen table or on the bed. No special room needed. 3. You need a moderate income. Many families worry they can't afford to homeschool but truthfully since we started homeschooling 7 years ago, we spend less on homeschooling than most families spend on public school. Just not having to drive everyday, not having to supply a school wardrobe and supplies and no school fundraising puts our budget much lower than most schooled families. If you're thinking, 'what about curriculum costs?', see myth number one. 4. You aren't qualified to teach.

This isn't true for the simple fact that if school education is so ineffective that you do not feel empowered to teach what you've learned it is no measure of education at all. Sending students to learn in this environment isn't going to solve the problem. If children learn to walk, talk, eat and survive under our care, so can they learn to read, write and do math. There's no one better suited for the job of encouraging and facilitating an environment that will suit each student best than those who love them the most.

5. You can't provide adequate socialization.

Ever hear a teacher say, "School isn't for socializing!"? They weren't lying! Forced association is not socialization. There is more healthy social skill building going with a trip to the grocery store, playing at a park or visiting an online group than usually is present at most schools. Visiting with friends and family is easier when there is no school schedule to adhere to and don't forget homeschool all the communities all around the world. Many homeschool families find they have too many social options to choose from because of the abundance out there!

Apple Illustration by Wendy Elizabeth Hart

If you're local to the Ontario, Canada area, join our groups to find your homeschool community! The Un/Homeschool Club of Ontario (for all homeschoolers) Ontario Unschooling Families (for the unschoolers)

Ontario Radical Unschoolers (for the radical/whole life unschoolers, local)

Freeschoolin' Community (for the radical/whole life unschoolers, global)

This Week

We are learning lots from our growing crops and enjoying the harvest already coming. We planted over 70 potato plants this year from slips we made of last year's harvest, so we are excited to see how many pounds of organic potatoes we get this year. Earth Valley Organics gave us some sunflower seeds so we planted them and so far out of 3 seeds, we have 2 huge plants growing! Hope decided she wanted to build a fire all by herself so she snuck away with Jaze to the campsite to surprise me. We enjoyed delicious organic smore's together with virtually no bugs bothering us! Our tent was the perfect place to sleep on hot nights. Hope has been drawing up a storm, like usual, and is always excited to share her work. What I didn't get pictures of: Hope's late brother, Skylar, who passed away from a Fentanyl overdose in May 2019, had some belongings that the police finally released to us so we had to make a road trip out to Courtice, Ontario. It was hard and the directions we took were not what I had expected so the trip was even more difficult than I had anticipated, but we got through it together and were so grateful to stop in for dinner with Hope's Fairy Godparents! We ate an organic meal we all pulled together to make and enjoyed it out on a deck overlooking green grass, and up above blue skies with white fluffy clouds. So thankful for our best friends Kevin and Sarah. Hope also played magic the gathering, pokemon online, watched youtube, played pretend with Jaze and her toys and picked flowers.

Subjects: Compassion, Technology, Art, Creative Thinking, Boundaries, Reading, Hand Eye Coordination, Decision Making, Addition, Pattern Recognition, Socialization, Bonding, Nature, Conflict Resolution, Healthy Emotional Coping Skills, Phys Ed, Imagination, Self Regulation, Body Care, Open Communication, Medicine, Science, Nature, Survival Skills, Adaptation, Comprehension, Geography, Home Care, Family History, Animal Care, So Much More...


📖🎲UNSCHOOLING: VOLUNTEERING, D&D, READING & More - Catch Up w/ The Freeschoolin' Family!

Thank you Illustration by Wendy Elizabeth Hart

We want to extend our sincere gratitude to everyone that has supported our family by shopping our Bookstore or Clothing & More store. It means so much to know a part of us is with you. We hope you enjoy our products as much as we do!

Much Love Always, Wendy Books, Clothing & More

About the Author Wendy Elizabeth Hart is an unschooling, homesteading Mom of 2 amazing kids and wife of more than 10 years to her bff, Jaze. Together with their daughter Hope, 10, they live a life of daily discovery in rural Ontario, Canada and share it with the world to connect with other families in the unschooling community.

Wendy Elizabeth Hart - Author, Illustrator, Unschool Advocate

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