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🍄Joy in July

Joy In July Blog Article Title

How does Unschooling bring joy to our family?

With over 25 years parenting and professional care giving experience in our family, we have the advantage of seeing how many education and lifestyles there are to choose from. Our goal is to have a great adventure, a peaceful home and a joy-filled life, and we found it with Freeschoolin'/Radical Unschooling!

Mushroom Illustration - Wendy Elizabeth Hart

Enjoy Living without rules means we enjoy freedoms that many do not. We don't have bedtimes so we can watch the sun rise or play with the midnight moon. No food restrictions means there's no reason not to have organic chocolate cake with raspberry pink icing for breakfast or a super food smoothie for dinner. Our family is free to draw, write, read and create when the mood strikes with no curriculum to follow. We enjoy deep bonding in our relationships which make boundaries easy to follow.

No Rules Illustration - Wendy Elizabeth Hart

Joyful Joyful is not an accurate word I would use to describe a home with the level of conflict punitive parenting requires. Looking after other people's children, I learned to forge a relationship with them, and then did the same with my second child. I couldn't ignore the massive difference. When children feel they are part of the team and not the opponent, caring for them is truly joyful. Our school experience was not encouraging either; both Jaze and mine as a student, and myself having had my firstborn in school. Through Unschooling/Freeschoolin' with Hope for her 10 years on this earth so far, we have learned that life is our school and the world our classroom. We are #nevernotlearning. No institution necessary.


There is a good reason we are ecstatic advocates for Unschooling. This is a life that our family didn't know how much we'd love when we choose this path. The joy is literally more than we could have dreamed. We had no idea how controlled our lives had been until we started living it and learning on our own terms. Following passions creates a life long love of discovery and education that is often crushed in a scheduled, schooled environment. We're not crazy, we're bustin' at the seams with joy for this Freeschoolin' life.

Blue Barry Illustration - Wendy Elizabeth Hart

This Week We went swimming at the beach, planted the rest of our garden and watered (by hand) as much as possible to save our plants from the heat wave our area was experiencing. Finally the rain came to cool down and refresh everything. We had a visit from some of our awesome unschool friends we saw the week before and did a shopping trip, which meant Hope and I drew in the car while Jaze picked up what we needed. Hope played Minecraft, we D&D'd online with great friends and Hope and I did a bunch of art this week. It was so hot that I took almost no pictures! #keepinitreal


Thank you Illustration - Wendy Elizabeth Hart

Thank you to all the amazing folks in the US and UK who have brought our books to your home recently! You have no idea what it means to our family to share our journey and our hard work with you and yours. May you enjoy it and the future books we release, including our next volume in the Freeschoolin' series, "The 1 Rule of Freeschoolin' is there are NO RULES to Freeschoolin!" So excited!

Much Love Always, Wendy Books, Clothing & More

About the Author Wendy Elizabeth Hart is an unschooling, homesteading Mom of 2 amazing kids and wife of more than 10 years to her bff, Jaze. Together with their daughter Hope, 10, they live a life of daily discovery in rural Ontario, Canada and share it with the world to connect with other families in the unschooling community.

Wendy Elizabeth Hart - Author, Illustrator, Unschooling Advocate

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