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Freeschoolin' with NO Chores!

Freeschoolin' with No Chores Title Page

Hope has never had to do chores!

It is common to hear that children need to do chores in order to gain a sense of responsibility for their living space and respect for the people that live with them.

That to not have them do some required work, children are being done a disservice. But so many families, including ours, are evidence that the above simply isn't true. We have never required Hope to do chores or even clean up. She receives an income that is not dependent on work she must do around the house or farm. But when asked or even when not asked, Hope will help out around the house. Just yesterday, I explained that I had to vacuum and she decided to do the entrance way to our apartment AND wash walls to help out. I've never "taught" her to clean but after all these years watching me, she did an excellent job. No cut corners. She was passionate about the work. This is why we don't do forced chores. Because, although Jaze and I have had to clean up a lot of messes we didn't make, Hope has learned the core understanding of a job well done, being respectful of those she resides with and being responsible for her home. We can learn all things through living life peacefully with each other and following our passions. This is Freeschoolin'.

Rainbow by Hope Elizabeth Hart, 8.

This Week

It was a really amazing week at Big Curve Acres as the ducklings were ready to catch and hold, new baby bunnies were ready for socializing and twin baby goats were born the night before a day we volunteered so we got to meet them and hold them their first day on earth. We also took home Pumba again and Peppa Pig, his sister. Peppa is less socialized so it was more challenging but rewarding when she too started to welcome our company and interactions. When we first got home, she'd run at our hands and try to bite. (Normal pig behavior.) I helped her see that my hand was not going to hurt her and eventually she'd let me pet her anywhere, anytime. She fell asleep in my lap, she followed me around the house and she snorted to my talking. We hope to take her home again soon to help her see even more how fun and loving people can be. We took our car in to Craft Auto and discovered it needed some work so we happily made an appointment to start on the first repair needed. Love their service and the fact that it's downtown so I can just visit a shop or hang at the park while my car is being worked on. We hit up the beach, picked berries from our land to gorge upon, played with bubble wrap, visited Nicholyn Farms, went thrifting for a wedding we are attending next week, camped out on our land, danced, played Minecraft, Animal Jam and more!


I didn't have time to make a video this week so here's a favorite episode you might enjoy from our Youtube channel, The Freeschoolin' Family!

Hope your week is full of joy and amazing learning opportunities you can take advantage of! Happy Freeschoolin'! Much Love Always, Wendy Get Your Own Freeschoolin' Journal!

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