Freeschoolin' @ the Ontario Science Centre

This week we went to the Science Centre in Toronto, Ontario!
An Ontario homeschool group organized a field trip to the Ontario Science Centre for a 120 homeschoolers on Friday January 25th.
We packed an organic homemade lunch of pizza sandwiches and freshly baked energy banana loaf/cake and left before dawn to make the estimated one and a half hour drive.

It was our first trip down into Toronto and the Science Centre as a family. Jaze and I hadn't been since we were kids so a lot had changed. After registering with our group, we were free to roam where we wished. There was a large play area we were drawn to first with waterplay, caves to enter and climb and so many activities to discover.
Much to our delight, we ran into some homeschoolers we knew and even met a local family from our Barrie Area Unschoolers group! Hope enjoyed playing with the kids and exploring the exhibits, and Jaze and I were happy to connect with other homeschool Parents.

We saw all we could and stayed until close. Hope was too excited to sleep more than 4 hours the night before so she was pretty exhausted by 4pm and slept the 2 hour drive home. (Traffic was pretty brutal, but expected.)

We are so thankful to the KWC Homeschool Connection for putting on this field trip!
This week we also hit up the Barrie Public Library and played outside at night in the snow and ice together, as well as Minecraft, Sims 4, Youtube and massive amounts of roleplay. There was even a Dr. Who pretend game, complete with soundtrack music! We had family waterplay time, Hope read some comics and there was a lot of drawing.
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Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy VIEW our Children's Book