Imagine Freeschoolin'
Imagine if there were no hurried mornings with hurried breakfasts and hurried arguments.
Imagine no scrambling to finish homework, no worrying over test scores and no school yard bullying.
Imagine the end of bedtime battles, not enough time to spare and leaving behind grades and not measuring up.
Imagine playing with our kids and them learning so very much that classes everyday are unnecessary.
Imagine letting children learn through their interests; no pushing, prompting or coercion.
Imagine learning alongside our children about everything life, love and the pursuit of happiness.
Imagine Freeschoolin'.
This Week
We focused on recovering from our family being ill and riding the tidy-up wave! Hope is getting involved with going through her things and discarding what no longer serves her. It's helping her to decide what to buy/bring into her life as well. We learned most of our dishes contained lead and other toxic metals from Lead Safe Mama, Tamara Rubin, so we got the ones she uses in her home. You can read more safe options here. *not sponsored* We also did some fun sand play and happened upon friends at Goodness Me, a place we shop for organic groceries.
Latest Episode The Freeschoolin' Homestead
Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy visit Our Bookstore!