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Freeschoolin' @Avalon Orchards

Freeschoolin' @ Avalon Orchards

We went on a field trip!!!

I arranged for The Un/Homeschool Club of Ontario to visit our favorite organic apple orchard, Avalon Orchards, in Innisfil, Ontario last week.

Avalon Orchards entrance way

Over 70 Club members gathered at Avalon Orchard's main building on a hot Friday morning under threat of severe thunderstorms that thankfully held off. (We were totally late dspite our best efforts...LOL!) We were split up into 2 groups due to our large attendance.

Gathering at Avalon Orchards

Half climbed aboard a bright, red wagon for a riding tour of the orchard where we learned why they were closed last year and how their season was doing this year.

Wagon Ride at Avalon Orchards

The other half took a scenic hike through the woods that was lots of fun and exercise.

Hike through the woods at Avalon Orchards

Freeschoolin' Hope on a Hike at Avalon Orchards

Then the groups switched so that everyone got a hike and wagon ride. We then combined into one group at the orchard to learn the proper way to pick apples.

Learning how to pick apples at Avalon Orchards

Everyone filled the bags we were given by the staff as full of apples as we could to take home.

After we had our fill, we traveled back to the main building for a sample of Avalon Orchards' delicious, organic apple cider and ask any questions we wanted of the staff about their facility.

Subjects Learned What didn't we learn on this field trip? Community Connection, Math, Phys Ed, Eye-Hand Coordination, Organic Agriculture, Where Our Food Comes From, Social Interaction, Time Outdoors, Observation Skills, Nutrition, so much more...

There were a few hiccups behind the scenes in organizing this trip, and while it was chaotic at times putting it together, I'm really glad to do this for the Club and look forward to next year's being even better with all I learned.

If you're local, we hope to see you there!

Freeschoolin' Family at Avalon Orchards

Much Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy

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