Freeschoolin': Yes Parenting

We are a YES Family!
If it's safe, possible and respectful, we say YES!
Yes you can try on 10 pairs of shoes at the store. Yes you can make a jar habitat to keep your found snail.
Yes you can make a tent on the family bed.
Yes you can tape up all your art on the wall.
Yes you can cut all your hair off. Yes you can have organic cookies for breakfast. Yes you can take your stuffed animals in the bath. Yes you can drink a shotglass of pure Maple Syrup. Yes you can bake your own creation. Yes you can stay up all night with the Moon.
Yes you can drink organic milk out of a bowl.
Yes you can play 8 straight hours of Minecraft. Yes you can co-sleep. Yes you can pick up that wild Garter snake. Yes you can spend all your money on toys you treasure.
Restriction creates obsession. Children are little scientists, and if we let them experiment to the fullest, factoring in safety and respect for others, they will be more able to follow our directions and guidance with important things. We can be a part of their exploration team and bond over the common goal of learning something new.
Yes you can choose what you do everyday for the rest of your life.

NEW Episode of The Freeschoolin' Homestead
Much Love Always, Wendy- Freeschoolin' Mommy