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Managing Money & Big Feelings

Respectful Relationships Rock!

We were at a department store getting groceries and decided to check out the toy section. Often, Hope will want to buy something; sometimes we get it and sometimes we don't, depending on our budget. Usually, Hope lets it go fairly quickly when we don't have the funds.

Yesterday was different.

We explained the truth; that we couldn't afford the toy so soon after the holidays and that our budget had to afford food first and foremost. Freeschoolin' Daddy and I validated how upsetting it was to want something and not be able to take it home and held space for her while she grieved. Hope understood, yet she couldn't seem to let go. I could feel she had already formed a relationship with this little owl toy. I could feel her big sadness. This REALLY mattered to her. Turns out she already had a plan to solve the issue so everyone was happy. Hope receives money from the family income so she has a bit of savings. She wanted to use it to buy this $10 owl toy but doesn't carry it with her. So we learned about borrowing! Hope got her toy, her feelings were respected and we had some awesome financial and emotional lessons! We truly are #NeverNotLearning when we're Freeschoolin'!

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