You LOVE Being A Mom. You Just Don't Like Being A Stressed-Out Mom! (Or Parent)

Parenthood is an amazing journey!
Good Parents know this, but it CAN drain you drier than a summer's day in the Sahara. And have you wondering to yourself, "Who am I even really and what the flip and am I doing?!!?"
Many of us don't know that when we enter into Parenthood we are also reliving the experiences we had as children growing up. If they were not pleasant ones that helped us thrive, this can be a really difficult challenge to rise up to. Usually the triggers occur when our kids are having a hard time so managing the experience is difficult all on it's own without the added task of dealing from past childhood trauma simultaneously. The great thing is, no other force like our kids triggering us can unlock the past enough to set the stage for full healing. Like children tearing a part a playroom, they leave nothing untouched, exposing all so that we can easily see the chaos and restore order fully. But if we don't know that the goal is healing, the triggers can feel like attacks and it can be easy to blame what feels like the attacker. So how do we cope?
Self Care

It's important that we nurture ourselves well if we want to nurture others at all. We can't pour from an empty cup. Have dreams. Do things you love. Be your own best therapist. Practice kindness on yourself first. Seek professional help as needed.
Eat/fuel your body nutritiously. Move daily. Seek joy. Know your are worthy.
Crisis Management Here are some ideas for calming down when already triggered/stressed. Organic Lavender Essential Oil

Soothing Music Walk Outside Stretch Deep Breathing
Hugs Call A Friend/Family Member Journal Healthy Snack Dancing Art/Create Something Epsom Salt & Baking Soda Bath Mental Health Crisis Line
Support We all need help and getting it can be hard so here are some suggestions for connecting with community.
Friends Family GlobalFacebook Groups - Freeschoolin' Community, Peaceful Parenting/Unschooling Support, Other Support Groups
Twitter Local Parenting/Education Groups ( via Facebook, Yahoo. Join existing ones or make your own! ) Mental Health Services
Resources For Kids

Kids need coping skills too!
Balance is a journey, not a destination.

If you need help, don't hesitate to reach out for it. You're not alone!
Love Always, Wendy - Freeschoolin' Mommy
BUY Freeschoolin': Life Is My School